Thursday, July 17, 2008

Soooo Tired!

Katie was just passed out the other evening. I thought she just looked so funny with her arms just thrown out there. It's like she'd give Kevin a bear hug if only her arms would stretch that far!
This pic ALMOST looks like she's awake, but she was completely out.
Later that night, she decided she wanted to watch some tv. She is such an independent girl that she likes to be held up so she can look around the room (but I'm also told that sitting straight up helps her relux keep from bothering her).
Looks like EVERYONE in the house is excited about football season! I think I just heard her say "Go Buckeyes!" :)
P.S. Some of these pics are a little deceiving - they kind of make her hair look red, but it's really not red at all. It's just a light version of Kevin's color.

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